Comparison between Grammarly and PerfectIt

July 30, 2022

Comparing Grammarly and PerfectIt

Are you tired of spending hours proofreading your work? If so, it might be time to invest in a grammar-checking software application. Grammarly and PerfectIt are two of the most popular options on the market.

But which one is better? Here, we'll explore the pros and cons of both, and offer our unbiased opinion on which one is optimal to use for you.


Grammarly is a sophisticated writing assistant that can help detect spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, and grammatical issues.

Key Features

Grammarly has many essential features that make it an excellent tool for writers, students and anyone who cares about accurate writing.

1. Accuracy

Grammarly's machine learning algorithm is highly accurate in detecting and fixing grammatical errors. It identifies mistakes that even a seasoned writer may miss.

2. User-friendly design

Grammarly's design is simple and user-friendly, making it easy for users to understand and navigate the application.

3. Flexibility

Grammarly is highly flexible as it can integrate into multiple applications such as Microsoft Office, Google Docs, and web browsers.

Pros of Grammarly

  • High accuracy rate
  • User-friendly design
  • Flexible and can integrate with multiple applications

Cons of Grammarly

  • The free version has limited features
  • The premium version can be expensive for some users
  • It can sometimes prompt suggestions that are not helpful


PerfectIt is a proofreading software that is well-suited for professional writers, editors, and publishers. It is designed to help you maintain consistency in your writing across several documents.

Key Features

Like Grammarly, PerfectIt features many useful tools and customizations to enhance your writing.

1. Style Guide

PerfectIt contains the most popular style guides such as AP, AMA, Oxford and more that can help satisfy your writing needs.

2. Automated Consistency Checker

PerfectIt's Consistency Checker is an automated tool that can quickly analyze a document and identify inconsistencies in spellings, Abbreviations and more in formatting.

3. Customized Settings

It's customizable settings feature lets users create their rules that can be enforced in any type of document,

Pros of PerfectIt

  • Has excellent consistency checker tools
  • Covers many style guides
  • Highly customizable

Cons of PerfectIt

  • Expensive for individuals
  • Demanding for new users


Here's the truth: both Grammarly and PerfectIt offer various benefits for their users. They enable writers to detect and correct grammatical mistakes and improve the quality of their writing.

At the end of the day, choosing between Grammarly and PerfectIt comes down to your own personal preference and budget. If you are a student or a casual writer, Grammarly is an excellent choice. If you're an editor, professional, or a larger establishment with a larger budget, you could consider PerfectIt for its flexibility and customizable tools.

As for our preference, we believe that Grammarly is the best choice for most people. Its accuracy rate and user-friendly design make it a popular choice with our team.


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